Alfalfa Perennial Legumes high quality grasses Export Timothy Agronomic Grasses Perennial Mixtures Annual Mixtures Warm Season Grasses Annual Forage / Cover Crops

Annual Mixtures

Performa Concentrate PFS Exclusive

17% Impact Forage Collards
11% Premier Kale
17% Frosty Berseem Clover
11% Kentucky Pride Crimson Clover
11% Purple Bounty Hairy Vetch
28% Meroa Italian Rye Grass
5% Spring Green Festulolium
Plant with 30-40 lbs of cereal (oats or barley) and 10-15 lbs of forage peas. Great Mix of cool season grass, exceptional annual legumes and brassica for season long, relay, or stockpile grazing.

Performa Pollinator Mix PFS Exclusive

10% Annual Sunflower
10% Sainfoin
5% Purple Bounty Hairy Vetch
5% Kentucky Pride Crimson Clover
5% Frosty Berseem
5% Fixation Balansa Clover
5% Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover
5% Leo Birdsfoot Trefoil
5% Buckwheat
5% Performa CR Alfalfa
10% Phacelia
5% Emerwan Red Clover
5% Cowgirl Tall Fescue
5% Meroa Italian Rye Grass
5% HQL Orchard Grass
5% Spring Green Festulolium
3% Pollinator Radish
2% White Mustard
The latest version of our pollinator mixture with more diverse plant types, longer season pollination, a more robust perennial content, and a focus on insect, bird, small mammal, and fish habitat.

Performa Nitro Max PFS Exclusive

33% Purple Bounty Hairy Vetch
28% Frosty Berseem Clover
22% Kentucky Pride Crimson Clover
17% Fixation Balansa Clover
Great mix for Nitrogen building or as a green manure plow down especially in organic programs.

All forages are subject to stocks being available. Performance Seed retains the right to substitute blend ingredients when supplies of original varieties/species becomes limited.
Performance Seed © 2024. Website by Media 32