Alfalfa Perennial Legumes high quality grasses Export Timothy Agronomic Grasses Perennial Mixtures Annual Mixtures Warm Season Grasses Annual Forage / Cover Crops

Agronomic Grasses

These grass species are the mainstay for forage production in Western Canada. They are characterized by their persistence and wide adaptability to our Northern Environments. These key species can be combined with the high quality grasses for the best of both worlds in your forage stand.

York Smooth BromeGrass PFS Exclusive

105% of Radisson (2000-2002). Tall, elevated growth makes it an excellent companion to alfalfa in a hay system. Very persistent species that has good drought tolerance and depending on the variety, can also have a strong creeping growth habit. As your stand ages the smooth brome will help fill in gaps made as less persistent species die out.

Fleet Meadow BromeGrass

Meadow brome grass is one of the most adaptable and longest lived high quality and drought tolerant grass species we have to use for hay or pasture. Seed size is very large and so consider planting at adequate seeding rates.

VMax Brand Brome Blend

Blend of 60% Fleet Meadow Brome and 40% York Smooth Brome for real dual purpose hay and grazing with exceptional utility. Great grazing and regrowth (Fleet) along with upright growth and some creeping regenerative habit (York)

Intermediate Wheat Grass

Very hardy and medium lived perennial for hay or pasture.

Slender Wheat Grass

Despite having a short to intermediate life span, slender wheat grass has very good forage quality and dry matter yield.

It is very vigorous as a seedling and will help the new stand to compete with weeds as the slower establishing grasses fill in.

Crested Wheat Grass

One of the most successful arid region grass species, crested wheat grass begins its growth very early in the year. It is best used in very dry, coarse textured soils or else as early season, sacrifice pasture.

Creeping Red Fescue

Low growing pasture species with high forage quality and soil stabilizing features, creeping red fescue is a good option in forage pasture mixes.

Russian Wild Rye Grass

Exceptional feed quality for late season grazing combined with long lived nature, russian wild rye grass use is limited in that it produces very large plants that can be difficult to navigate.

Marathon Reed Canary Grass

The most flood tolerant grass species commonly used in the west. Low alkaloid varieties are recommended to maintain palatability.

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